Study Tips if You Failed the CSCS Exam

Sep 09, 2024

Failing one or both parts of the CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) exam can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you felt prepared. However, it's important to remember that you're not alone—many people don't pass on their first try. The practical applied portion of the exam, in particular, tends to trip up more candidates because it requires a deep understanding of NSCA standards, unlike the scientific foundations section, which is more about recall. Here are some actionable tips to help you succeed next time around.

Master the Art of Active Recall

Active recall is one of the most powerful study techniques you can use, particularly for an exam as challenging as the CSCS.

  • Close the book: After listening or reading for 10-15 minutes, close your materials and try to recite or write down what you remember.
  • Identify weak areas: This exercise often reveals gaps in your knowledge—areas you thought you understood but couldn't recall.
  • Correct and review: After identifying these weak spots, return to your notes or textbook to correct what you missed. This process of active recall followed by review is essential for deep learning.

Enhance Your Learning with Effective Note-Taking

Note-taking is not just about writing down what you read or hear—it's about integrating and applying concepts.

  • Contextualize your notes: Think of real-life examples, such as a client or athlete you’ve worked with, while learning new concepts. This helps make abstract ideas more tangible.
  • Apply the knowledge: The CSCS exam heavily focuses on practical application. Ensure that your notes aren't just memorization tools but also guides for applying concepts in real-world situations.

Learn One New Concept at a Time

It might seem like a good idea to cram multiple concepts into each study session, but this can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

  • Set attainable goals: Focus on thoroughly understanding one new concept per study session. This makes each session more manageable and less stressful.
  • Build a resource: Write down everything you know about the topic you've studied. Over time, these notes will form a comprehensive study guide that you can refer to when taking practice tests.

Gain Hands-On Experience and Avoid Assumptions

The CSCS exam is not just about what you know but also about how well you can apply that knowledge in practical settings.

  • Internship experience: If possible, gain some hands-on experience in a weight room, even if it’s just shadowing for a few days. This exposure can be invaluable in helping you understand how to coach athletes and manage a training environment.
  • Don’t make assumptions: Many students fail because they make assumptions based on what they've seen or heard in real life, rather than focusing on what the NSCA specifically requires. Be meticulous in your study of NSCA guidelines, including small details like box heights, cone distances, other specific details, etc

By following these tips, you'll not only improve your chances of passing the CSCS exam on your next attempt but also gain a deeper, more practical understanding of the material. Remember, this exam is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time, and you'll get there.

Support & Courses Available

Ready for more support to help you prep for the CSCS exam? Join our Facebook Group, “Strength and Conditioning Study Group,” here. Ready for even more? Our 24-module CSCS Prep Course has each chapter completely laid out for you with even more content than what we’ve provided here, plus chapter quizzes to help you pass the NSCA exam; click the link here to check it out.


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